SATS(Student Achievement Tracking System)

Student Achievement Tracking system is an unique education management system to optimize the performance of students, teachers, and schools. Tracks student specific data using a unique 9 digit code assigned to every student of the state. The system covers 100% of students, teachers and schools in the state.

Key Functions :-
  • Student Management

  • School Management

  • Teacher Management

  • Educational Employee Data System

  • Shikshaka Mitra (21 Teacher’s Online Services)

  • Teacher Transfer, Promotion, Deployment

  • Mid Day Meal

  • Textbook Inventory Management System

  • Know My School

  • School Services

  • My School My Contribution
  • Students : 1.16+ Crores

  • Schools : 77,000+

  • Teachers : 4.2+ Lacs

  • No of Duplicate Students Identified due to SATS : 20+ Lacs

  • Mid Day Meal Avails Students (Daily) : 46+ Lacs

  • Textbooks Distributed : 8.52+ Crores

  • Scholarship Disbursed Students : 46+ Lacs

  • Teacher’s Online Services : 21
* Statistics of Karnataka State (2023-2024)